Potluck + Town Hall 10/1

October 1, 2023 @ 11:00 pm – October 2, 2023 @ 1:00 pm

Members and friends of Auburn UU,

Here are the materials for Sunday’s Town Hall Oct, 1: the background info is below . You can also view them on the Board blog.

– Potluck (after worship) from 11-11:30am.

– Town Hall will run 11:30am-1pm.  Greg Bianconi, co-chair of Finance, will facilitate the discussion.

What:  Town Hall
Subject: 2023-2024 Budget
When:  October 1, 2023; 11:30-1:00
Where: Vestry/Sanctuary



At the June 2023 Annual Meeting, the congregation approved the 2023-24 budget with the proviso that we revisit it at a congregational meeting in October.

The congregational meeting has been set for October 15 at 11:30; the official call to meeting will be issued soon.

In order to facilitate efficient and considered discussion and decision making on October 15, the Board decided to schedule a Town Hall devoted to a deep dive into the FY24 budget.

As with the other Town Halls: discussion: no decisions, no votes.  The October 15 congregational meeting is the forum for decision making and a vote.


FY24 Budget Summary:

  • June 2023 Annual Meeting: the congregation passed a budget with a $56,453 shortfall.  Hence the proviso that we revisit the budget in October.  As of June 2023:

o   Projected Revenue:  $183,200

o   Projected Expenditures: $239,653


  • Budget as of October 1, 2023: the projected deficit is currently $44,163.  The reduction is due to adjustments in the ministerial compensation lines. (Both revenue andexpenditures have been reduced by $20,000 as the DIC is now a 501(c)(3) entity)

o   Projected Revenue: $163,200

o   Projected Expenditures: $207,363


  • Income to date: $35,000, reflecting almost three months.  We projected $163,200 in income (assuming no DIC rent) which would be about $40,100 for three months.  (Not far off, but some large pledges are included and should be spread over the year).


  • Expenses to date: $27,000, low because we have just brought Reverend Patrick on board.  (His salary/housing will add approximate $5000 per month) The projected $207,363 in expenses would work out to $49,300 for three months if he had been on board.



  • How to address in the short term the $44,163 deficit? (combination of the following)

o   Use of Treasurer’s Reserve — $12,000

o   Use of the Hackett Fund — $17,000

o   Checking Account balance — $22,000

o   DIC rental income (TBD)

o   Church Fund Raisers

o   Rentals

o   Other?


  • What can I do?

o   Pay your pledge on time

o   Volunteer