November 28, 2020 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Whiting Farm
876 Summer Street/Auburn
876 Summer Street/Auburn
Mary Lou Hoffman
Need a themed gift basket for that special someone on your list?
The First Universalist Church of Auburn will be selling its famous Gingerbread Fair themed gift baskets at Whiting Farm on Saturday, Nov. 28, from 10am to 4pm. Find them in Greenhouse #5. Cash only, please.
The basket team is wrapping over 50 gift baskets for sale, with themes like “Pamper Me,” “For Bakers,” and “Gourmet Foods.” Several “Kids’ stuff” baskets feature games and crafts for boys, girls and pre-teens. Some include music CDs from Phil House, or Color Street nail polish strips. The team includes (LtoR) Joanne Giard, Linda LaBrie, Shelley Reno and Paula Spruill. FMI uugingerbreadfair@gmail.com.
Whiting Farm is located at 876 Summer Street in Auburn. This 4-season farm owned by John F. Murphy Homes, is dedicated to community enrichment, education and the support of people with disabilities. Whiting is selling poinsettias, Christmas trees and wreaths during the entire holiday season. FMI, see Whiting Farm’s Facebook page.