CFAC presents “Together Again- Sort Of”

May 29, 2020 @ 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Concerts for a Cause is proud to present Kathy Haley and Phil House in “Together Again- Sort of” on Friday, May 29 from 7-7:30pm. The mini-concert will stream live on Facebook from the First Universalist Church of Auburn. 
Kathy Haley and Phil House will make some beautiful music together- from 6 feet apart! Enjoy old and new favorites from these two dear friends celebrating 30 years of performing as a duo.

This FREE half-hour mini-concert will stream live from the First Universalist Church of Auburn on:

Meeting ID: 841 2211 5804

Password: 095664

or Dial by your location

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)


Note: A recorded version will be available after the live show, on Facebook and YouTube