
Worship services
every Sunday at 10 a.m.

In person at 169 Pleasant Street, Auburn, Maine

And online via Zoom

207-783-0461  |  office@auburnuu.org  |   facebook_logo

The First Universalist Church of Auburn, Unitarian Universalist, is a non-creedal religious community, rooted in the Sacred and bound together in a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We are a joyfully diverse community—theologically, ethnically, economically, and in terms of sexual orientation, age, and gender identity. We have committed to be a Welcoming Congregation to the LGBTQIA+ community by being intentionally and explicitly welcoming at every level of church life. We are a justice-seeking community that believes in the transformative power of love to heal the brokenness of the world. Whoever you are, whatever gifts and burdens you carry right now, you are welcome here.