UU Who’s Who
Minister: Open
Choir Director: Pam Weeks
Organist: Phil House
RE Director: Samantha McCune
Worship Tech Coordinator: Cynthia Grimm
Office Administrator: Claudia Pedro
2024-25 Governing Board
President: David Das
Vice President: Anne Perron
Clerk: Linda Greathouse
At-large: Claire Hebert, Jane Pentheny, John Spruill, Jr., Ed Bell
Treasurer: Ellen O’Brien
Committee Chairs
Adult Religious Exploration: Charles Nero
Buildings & Grounds: Greg Bianconi
Community Relations: Toby Haber-Giasson
Denominational Affairs: Anne Kinney
Finance: Greg Bianconi
Hospitality: Luke Lunt
Membership: Paula Spruill
Music Associates: Angela Foss
Newsletter: (open)
Pastoral Ministry: Mary Kay Weisenberger, Ginny Starbird
Pleasant Note Coffeehouse: Toby Haber-Giasson
Religious Exploration: (open)
Retreat Coordinators: Anne Kinney and Ron Spofford
Social Justice: Diane Chasse
Stewardship: Toby Haber-Giasson
Ushers: Ed Bell
UU Theater: Toby Haber-Giasson
Webmaster: David Das
Worship Associates: John Spruill, Jr.
More information about Church Committees and Groups
See this page for information about recent and upcoming Board meetings. All are welcome to attend.